Where can I leave my excess luggage and/or park my vehicle?

Unfortunately we do not have the facilities in Queenstown or Te Anau to store excess luggage or park vehicles while you are on the track.

What are my options?

Check with the accommodation you have booked in Queenstown first as many will hold your luggage until you return, especially if you are staying in the same place when you return.

Otherwise see below for details on storage places in Queenstown.  Both of these are within close walking distance of the Ultimate Hikes Centre.

  • Info & Track
    Convenient location (37 Shotover St)
    Open from 7.30am until 8.00pm, 7 days.
    Ph. 03 442 9708

Where can I park my vehicle while I am on the track?

Check first with the accommodation provider you are staying with prior to the walk.  Otherwise some options are below.


  • Man Street Carpark is an underground carpark 5 minutes walk from the Ultimate Hikes Centre - You can purchase tickets from us.
  • The Queenstown Airport has long term parking  https://airportparkingqueenstown.co.nz/
  • Campervans - Lake view holiday park (blackout dates over Xmas and New Year) https://holidaypark.net.nz/ (Campervans)

Te Anau

Vehicle Transfer